Checklists & RPA Crowdfunding
We are creating a checklists based application empowered with IoT, RPA and AI technologies. It will feature simple to use checklists workflows with check items that can be shared within a team or a family. Checklists will include scheduling, notifications, remainders, escalation actions and reporting.
Furter, check items will be empowered with option values where data can be populated by user or external device. We are creating IoT connectivity layer which enables connection of home and business devices and population of check item values. These values can enable completion of checklist, provide insight to users, enable escalation actions and reporting.
Application will feature an AI Expert system that can guide users though workflows and operating procedures. Also, we are integrating business process management actions with RPA technologies to further automate flow of the data within the system.
Funds will be used in three segments: infrastructural and maintenance costs for free personal/family and small business use; part on the development costs; part of the tree planting to enable net-zero eco cost of the system and as saying thank you to contributors.
Our goals include making application free for personal/family use and free for small businesses. They are a back-bone of our everyday life and we want to support them as much as possible.
We as a company want to do as much as we can to help our planet and to leave better world for our children. Minimum goal include building the system with at least net-zero eco effect. This is why we are going to use part of this funds to plant trees.
Contributors get their name on page-wall of the app, triple business discount, and we will even plant trees in their name.
Be a part of the project: Like, Share, Contribute! Visit funding page and read more at: » GoGetFunding Campaign page
You can get more information on:
Campaign page: » Campaign page
LinkedIn: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow Facebook page
Facebook: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow LinkedIn page
You can also contact campaign manager directly though LinkedIn » LinkedIn profile/
Funds will be used in three segments: infrastructural and maintenance costs for free personal/family and small business use; part on the development costs; part of the tree planting to enable net-zero eco cost of the system and as saying thank you to contributors.
Our goals include making application free for personal/family use and free for small businesses. They are a back-bone of our everyday life and we want to support them as much as possible.
We as a company want to do as much as we can to help our planet and to leave better world for our children. Minimum goal include building the system with at least net-zero eco effect. This is why we are going to use part of this funds to plant trees.
Contributors get their name on page-wall of the app, triple business discount, and we will even plant trees in their name.
Be a part of the project: Like, Share, Contribute! Visit funding page and read more at: » GoGetFunding Campaign page
You can get more information on:
Campaign page: » Campaign page
LinkedIn: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow Facebook page
Facebook: » Sciomagis Sky.Flow LinkedIn page
You can also contact campaign manager directly though LinkedIn » LinkedIn profile/